Charity Information FAQ


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How do I find the list of charities?

There are several ways to access this list:

  • Follow this link to view the Giving Guide
  • Follow this link to search for charities by name, category, region, etc.
  • Follow this link to view a digital map of participating charities. 

Who determines how my contribution will be used?

You may decide by designating your contribution to one or more charities listed in the SECC Giving Guide or through the SECC charity search.

What happens to my contribution if I do not designate to a specific charity?

The campaign’s regulations assure that all undesignated funds are proportionately distributed to those charities receiving designations. If Charity A receives 5% of designated pledges, then Charity A will also receive 5% of undesignated pledges.

Is the SECC a United Way campaign?

No. The State Employees Combined Campaign is administered solely by state employees and is not part of the United Way or any other non-profit campaign. However, the United Way and other eligible charitable organizations may apply for inclusion in the SECC each year (see link to charity application information below).

What is the duration of my payroll deduction and when does it begin?

Deductions begin January 2024 and continue through December 2024.

Must I sign another authorization form for this year’s pledge if I have given in the past?

Yes. A new form must be completed and signed every year.

Are contributions tax-deductible?

Yes. You may need documentation to support your contribution depending on the amount you pledge. Consult with your accountant or tax advisor for details.

What is the campaign’s overhead?

The overhead administrative costs will never exceed 10%.

I am involved with a charity that is not listed - how can they be included in this list?

There is an annual application process for charities. See this site for information and requirements as well as the charity application form.